live worthy adam kasix
live worthy adam kasix


This page shares my best reads on stuff like living as a divergent amongst the conformed, escaping expectations of others, and walking in your eternal identity – the real you. 

The central question that drives me: “How do we align our day-to-day life – mind, body, spirit – with our purpose?” To answer that, I obsessively observe life as it happens – sometimes to my wife’s annoyance. I like fusing the super-practical with the supernatural so we can thrive above the “grind”. 

I offer recommendations like the best books for Instigators and how to fuse your desires with prayer & visualization to become a ninja at manifesting what God has put inside you. Start browsing with the categories below.


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All Articles

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The skillful art of walking with God-for Instigators.

4 Days to Manifestation: A simple step-by-step guide for

Making your prayer life as natural as your thought-life (even your self talk)

4 emails walk you through the super simple path, a step-by-step follow, so you know exactly what to do.

Know God's will for you

This mini-course includes a crafted PDF (including notes and cheatsheets).

Manifest your God-driven desires

You can use this course to radically improve your ability to produce desired results – from getting fit, to business connections and on it goes.

Master the power of Scripture-based visualization & attraction

So you can "run in such a way as to get the prize."

mockup manifestation map adam kasix

Enroll in the free email course and get your first lesson today

You will get one short email every day for four days. You can unsubscribe any time.

Jesus, Drugs & The American Dream

Identity Breakthrough

Revolutionary Freedom™


Adam Kasix

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Have you ever wondered how to "Let go and let God"?

graphic manifestation map adam kasix copy
manifestation map adam kasix

Divine Design for Prayer & Manifestation

4 super simple steps for you to start experiencing an abundant harvest.
Download free now.

You will not be spammed, harassed or otherwise teased behind your back. I have your back with bullies. I won’t even share your info with anyone other than my wife when we talk about our day.
Oh, and you can unsubscribe asap once you realize you don’t want to be subscribed (I won’t even shame you to my wife all that much)