From: Adam Kasix
To: Faith-Driven Instigator with a Calling to Live
The Battle is not lost. It’s not too late. You’re not too old. Your desires aren’t evil. And no one can steal your dream. Victory is still yours because Jesus is still King.
But you’ve got to move past the crap that messes with you, especially the environmental conditioning.
I am well acquainted with crap but more importantly, overcoming it.
Use my story for yours…
I.V. drug & opioid pill addiction & a near-death overdose while working as a Registered Nurse.
Lost my wife & kids to divorce
Post-Traumatic Stress (Afghan combat) with multiple breakdowns in public, major depression, anxiety, paranoia.
(The therapists said it was permanent – I rejected their belief)
Moving my family of 6 across the country twice in 10 weeks after a failed business attempt
Repossessions & bankruptcy
Wetting the bed until midway through freshman year of high school
Still overcoming daily…but these days I’m dry through the night.
They told me I was “out of line”, a head in the clouds dreamer”, “Lazy!”… some even said my desires were from my “wicked heart”. (Yikes!)
I realized the reason I couldn’t truly hear God’s voice was because I was too busy listening to everyone else’s.
Breakthrough began when I chose to go after the life God put in my heart and let “them” think what they want. And honestly, it took me years to get to that point of courage.
And you know what? I gotthe girl back. She’s crushin’ too. Her name’s Nikki.
Today, I specialize in helping Jesus-driven Instigators make their vision happen by…
* discovering the sabotage that has kept you confined
* stepping into your God-designed identity
* shaking loose all the fear, shame & insecurity
* END the people-pleasing and approval-seeking
* live the life your heart craves to live…
There is no other way to be eternally fulfilled. There is no other way to be authentically fulfilled as a human being.
We are Instigators because we make things happen and we never quit on the mission that is our Calling.
We’re definitely not afraid to call out the BS when we see it-we were built for it. Because if not us, then who?
Do you even know who you really are, at your core? As an eternally created soul skipping through this minefield of earth?
You are a product of the humans who supported you into independence. If you deal with frustration of not being where you want to be at this point in your life, this is why.
Your external life, what people see and how you present yourself is incongruent with the true desires in your heart and soul. That’s it. No need to dig up childhood crap or spend thousands on a therpist.
You want to walk around feeling light and sure? You want to shake loose people pleasing and approval seeking? How about eliminating worry from your thoughts? Real. Real. All Real. And you can do it without drugs (if you want;)
Step into your true self and get ready to be really excited to get to live the life you get to live… and agitate a whole bunch of people as you abandon the land of mediocrity and cynicism.
Aren’t you sick of living smaller than the vision you see in your heart’s imagination?
Are you ready to live everyday life aligned with your eternal identity?
Remember: His Word is a lamp to your feet. It’s not a spotlight to your whole path.
Take the step.