We’ve all misjudged things as “good’ or “bad” at first, and later as things played out further we realized otherwise.
Like that amazing job we told everyone about and we were excited about getting until it ended up a nightmare because of a horrible manager or toxic work culture.
Here’s a little story to help us to not judge so quickly and worry less.
I’ll admit it, I hate onions. HATE. THEM. But you know what? I love whatever happens to my food when my wife uses them with other ingredients I already like, so they all work together to create a masterful meal. Then as I‘m eating it, flexing my toes with the first tantalizing bite, I forget all about those damned onions.
That’s because they worked with other things, things I automatically perceive as “good”, like salt, to produce a beautiful thing. Without the onions the meal would be less. My wife knows that, regardless of my ignorance or opinion of the value of onions, she’s maximizing the good for me by working them in.
I no longer stand next to her, trying to control the process, making comments, complaints or voicing concerns because I’m worried she’s using onions in my “situation”. I trust that they’re working for my benefit.
And most importantly, I now trust… her and her intentions for my experience.
I fully understand we deal with things in life with much heavier impact than food ingredients. Some things have a devastating impact. The point remains. This is how to detach ourselves from worry. Trust.
Would you like to learn how to eliminate worry and stay in your peace?
I’m going to show you a way to train your mind to use the creative power of your imagination to positive outcomes rooted in power and a clear mind.
It’s already at work all the time, in all of us. The question is are we leveraging it or being victimized by it?
Many have heard that all things are working together for the good of the one who loves God and is called according to His purpose. It’s a promise in the bible.
How do we leverage the power of that promise, allowing it to serve us?
Worry is maintaining an emotional attachment to the expectation of a negative outcome.
*Release your emotional attachment to the outcome and you will eliminate your worry. That’s it! Lol
Easier said than done, for sure.
But understanding that worry is directing your imagination with fear and connecting it to a future result makes it easier.
Worry is attaching, then committing, to a negative expectation of that outcome.
We do the same thing in reverse with the warm & fuzzies related to happy memories. Nostalgia is just using your imagination to think about the past, IE Remembering.
Wrap up:
- Remember the onions and hold off “good” or “bad” judgements (or use your own fun example)
- Trust they’re in there to maximize the good for you
- Release emotional attachment to results
- Gratitude is the Holy Grail of human emotion – practice directing your focus to feeling thankful.
- Expect and watch things to shift for you!
A useful tool:
When something we don’t like happens, this is my mantra – which my kids have even memorized:
Everything’s always working out for us!
I hope you use this or adapt it for your personality.
What would life be like if you just cut your worry by a little bit?
Take the step.